Thursday, August 22, 2013

EOW3: Checking In

Rick and I have begun sharing research notes for EOW3. I've been doing much documentary research and reading, finding some very interesting connections to add to the mountain of strangeness. I will be taking a field trip this fall -- maybe two -- and will have comments on that after my return.

Interesting Note:  The books are selling (small numbers but steady). I'm finding no commenting yet plenty of downloads on interviews already broadcast. Also, a couple of radio/podcast hosts initially interested in interviewing me are oddly MIA. A local newspaper that covered the first book, read the new book and requested graphics to accompany an article, has curiously not run the article and doesn't respond to an email tickler. I am told by colleagues close to the investigation that it's a bit of quiet before the storm, so to speak. Perhaps they're waiting for the third book? Yet the books sell (very small yet steady) and to good reviews.

What to think?


  1. Still waitng for the Print On Demand version of Empire II, any idea when I can expect it?

  2. Had a bit of trouble getting the footnoted edition to load properly and I want it to be right. I've been busy with other business, but I'll return to the issue shortly and will announce the printed edition's availability here on the blog. It WILL indeed be available soon. Honestly, I sell so few printed editions anymore, especially with Amazon giving the Kindle app away for free so even folks without a Kindle device can read the books, that you're the first person to ask. However, I too want a printed edition available. Soon! :)

  3. When will EOTW vol.II available as book?



  4. Had a bit of trouble getting the footnoted edition to load properly and I want it to be right. I've been busy with other business, but will announce the printed edition's availability here on the blog when it's ready again. It WILL indeed be available soon. Honestly, I sell so few printed editions anymore, especially with Amazon giving the Kindle app away for free so even folks without a Kindle device can read the books, that I just haven't got to it yet. :)
