Thursday, February 20, 2014

EOW3 Coming Soon!


  1. Finished the first two and wonder what wonders await on the next amazing trip?
    Will Ambrose Bierce show up next?

  2. Finished reading the first two and can wait to see the wonders that come next. I'm almost expecting to find Ambrose Bierce in there somewhere.

  3. Hi Walter! i really enjoyed your recent show with Greg Bishop, but i didn't call in so i wrote up the many similarities between my life and ancestry and the concerns and locations of "Friends From Sonora". I come from a line of mechanically fixated and flight obsessed men from ranching stock in the Sierran Foothills south of Yosemite, scarred by a tragic murder witnessed by a child, etc. I doubt there's any 'real connection' to your research, however i remain fascinated by the way certain areas seem to almost create recurring patterns.

    You can read my post here:

    i thought it was too long to inflict on Greg's RM facebook page ;) anyways, i hope you get a kick out of it! and i hope i can get a hold of your books sometime in the near future - heehee! happy day, steph

  4. Hello Mr. Bosley:
    Please, could you give a tentative release date for Empire Of The Wheel vol. 3 in tradepaper?

    Thank you,

  5. Hello Mr. Bosley:
    Please, could you give a tentative release date of Empire Of The Wheel vol.3 in trade paper? I just purchased the first two via Lulu. This material is pulp nonfiction instead of the fiction marketed at that time.
    You should be a guest speaker at either of the major pulp conventions: Windy City & Pulpfest. In essence, your an author who presents that all fiction is based in the truth; Whereas the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
    Thank you sir for your efforts.

    1. Pulp nonfiction. I like that. Thanks! I have finally finished writing the footnotes, am finalizing the illustrations and am waiting for Rick's final inserts. Once I get those and write the epilogue, we will be in the process of formatting and prepping for publication. I'm still shooting for early June. I will likely arrange for a podcast interview the first weekend the book is available.

  6. Mark,

    Rick and I are just finishing the final draft of the book. It will be released on Kindle first, hopefully in early May. I'll be trying to get the printed edition out there within thirty days (or less) of that release.

  7. Thank you for the response Mr. Bosley.

    In all earnestness the trade paper will be out in June. FYI: please check out these other books that're by your fellow Californians: Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon by Dave McGowan & American Heart Of Darkness Vol.1 by Robert Kirkconnell. Kirkconell is an Air Force NCO vet from the Vietnam era. Maybe you know of him. Ironically, he's from San Bernardino.
    Please keep in contact when you can Mr. Bosley. Thanks again.
