Friday, June 20, 2014

Next EOW3 Interview This Weekend!

Sunday night at 9PM PST I will be the guest on The Outer Edge



  1. Hi Walter! it's steph from this post on Wanderin' Britches about all the intertwining themes, places, and so on between my family history and the EOW material (esp. Friends from Sonora).

    Anyhoo, yesterday i was listening to an old interview you and Richard Spence did on Hidden Experience and i was blown away - once more - when you mentioned that the carousel in Tilden Park was made for the San Bernadino park! I know that carousel, in fact i remember one Easter (there's a nice pagan holiday for ya) when i was around 30 when a good friend and i hung out there wearing cardboard rabbit ears....we had plans back then to start a mag on East Bay Earth Mysteries but it never got off the ground. Anyways, when i first got into bird watching almost 20 years ago i was lucky enough to spend every Wed. morning for a year birding Jewel Lake (maybe 1/8th of a mile from the carousel in Tilden Park), then a few years later i lived in Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center in Kensington for a couple of years, just half a mile away or so - not even 'over' the hill from Jewel Lake and the carousel, but at the crest of the next hill, as it were. And of course my first date with my husband was birding at Jewel Lake - so again i find a connection. That carousel lives in a place where i've spent a lot of time, and a lot of very important time with important people in my life.

    Okay now i'm off to listen to this outer edge interview, waiting impatiently for Greg to post your most recent one on Radio Misterioso! I don't know if you read my e-mail i sent during that show but you'll be happy to know that Father's Day included at least 45 minutes of my dad, bro, and husband discussing a variety of largely military planes and a bunch of technical details which i did my best to ignore.....the saga continues ;)

    Do you ever get up to the SF Bay Area? If so, how would a fan find out about that type of thing beforehand?
    Take care and have a great day!!! steph

    1. I think you're gonna like EOW3 :) I just got back from San Mateo where I was at the Secret Space Program Conference. I went with Joseph Farrell and got to hobnob with some very smart people whom I hadn't met before. Catherine Austin Fitts, Jon Rappaport, and a few others. It was a very worthwhile time and now I'm playing catch-up with biz for the next few days. :)
